Migraine is one of the most serious forms of headache, affecting millions of people every year. Modern treatment methods aim to only treat the headache and not the cause. It is recommended to resort to migraine treatment in Ayurveda to treat the root problem and prevent its recurrence.
In Ayurveda, migraine is referred to as “Ardhavabhedhaka” and is mainly caused by an imbalance of the Tridoshas namely Vata, Pitta, and Kapha doshas. This negatively affects the function of the nervous system, interferes with memory, concentration, and focus, decreases eye health, irregular sleep cycles or insomnia, and reduces productivity, whether at work or home. However, the type of migraine can vary depending on a person’s constitution.
Symptoms of Migraine:
If you are suffering from these symptoms then you need to carry out an effective treatment for it. Therefore, Migraine treatment in Ayurveda is the best option for you as it is 100% natural and free from side effects.
- Depressions
- Cravings
- Fatigue
- Yawn
- Hyperactivity
- Irritability
- Neck stiffness
- Difficulty speaking
- Watch for flashes of light or bright spots.
- Temporary vision loss.
- Listen to noises or music
- Uncontrollable contractions
- Increased sensitivity to light and sound.
- Nausea
- Feeling weak
- Pain on one side of the head, either left, right, in front of or behind.
- Throbbing headache
- Vomiting
What Triggers A Migraine?
- Excessive relaxation
- Strong smell
- Excessive activity
- Tobacco
- Stress and work pressure
- Menstruation/ puberty
- Exercise and travel
- Excitement
- Too much or too little sleep
- Hunger
What To Do And What Not To Do With Migraines?
- Avoid foods that trigger the disease.
- Avoid smoking and alcohol completely.
- Avoid dehydrated foods, fast foods, and junk foods.
- Eat hot foods rich in clarified butter.
- Do meditation and Pranayama regularly.
- Regulate your gut. Avoid constipation.
- Lie down in a dark place.
- Do not eat and drink water or tea.
- To relieve pain, apply a little lotion or oil.
Home Treatment For Migraines:
Natural treatment usually involves strict discipline to be followed over some time, resulting in complete prevention of migraine recurrence.
Here are some of the tips which you can follow at home before Migraine treatment in Ayurveda:
- Head/eye massage:
Gently massage your forehead with your fingers. Massage the acupressure points around the eye. It can provide excellent pain relief. Apply gentle pressure and run your index finger around the eye socket.
- Breathing exercise:
Breathing regulates the flow of blood and thus the supply of oxygen to the brain and head region. Take slow, deep breaths so you can focus away from the pain.
- Hot and cold treatment:
Take a dry towel and soak it in a tub of hot water. Gently rub and massage the sore areas with a towel. Keep the temperature of the towel at a level that is comfortable to the touch. Some people prefer cold water or ice cubes over hot water or steam. Find out what works best for you to provide relief.
- Aromatherapy:
Add a few teaspoons of essential oils in a favorite scent to hot water in a bowl and absorb the steam.
- Relaxation music:
Select and listen to the soft instrumental music of your choice. Guided relaxation bands with good background music can also be used.
Ayurveda Treatment Of Migraine:
An Ayurveda specialist must understand the root cause of the disease and develop the treatment. The root cause of imbalanced Doshas and Dhatus is known and based on this the doctor prescribes Migraine treatment in Ayurveda and changes in diet and lifestyle. Some patients need Panchakarma therapies like Vaman, Virechan, Nasya, and others depending on their condition and severity. Certainly, Ayurvedic treatment of migraines can cure them completely and permanently.
With chronic migraines, toxins are deposited in the head and can affect the function of the various sensory organs. This can cause sensitivity to light, sounds, smells, and mood changes. Panchakarma helps remove these toxins and helps strengthen the nervous system. Specific treatments like Sirodhara, Shiroabhyanga, Sirovasti, etc. help nourish the nervous system and thus normalize the effects of Vata.
Nasya is one of the treatments that act directly on the nerves and eliminate toxins accumulated in the sinuses. The mucus layers in the nasal passages are one of the areas where numerous nerve endings are exposed. The medicated oils applied through Nasya act directly on these nerve endings, helping to calm Vata and empty the phlegm deposited in the sinuses. This relieves pressure in that area.
Other Panchakarma treatments like Vaman and Virechana also help remove toxins from the body.