The pandemic has got all of us experimenting with hairstyles at home. Melbournians are experts in mixing high-end brands, vintage fashion and local brands. One can find vintage boutiques and stores, local designers, fashion exhibitions, festivals and more here. Melbourne is home to a lot of salons and hairdressers known for their intricate art and expertise. Visiting them physically is difficult since covid restricts and prevents the people from getting necessities like a haircut. One can purchase fuzzy clips, hair colouring sets, and other objects like hair extensions in Melbourne that add to their daily looks. It is super easy to create the perfect look with such articles that help one look gorgeous and trendy.
Here are some tips on what hairstyles one can choose every day for a glamourous and comfortable vibe.
Wolf cut:
A wolf cut is a modified version and a combination of several cuts like bangs, bob, and other layerings. Although it looks the best on short hair, many people have employed the same style with medium and long hair that has turned out perfect. This cut has bangs that do not fall on the face but move and separate towards the sides. One can layer their bangs and part it from the middle.
Curling is the best option! Remember to curl them outwards to make them voluminous and loud. They look the best when the hair is layered till it merges perfectly with the rest of the hair. Cut the rest accordingly and set the vibe beautifully.
This unisex hairstyle has driven so much attention to the intricacies of the cut itself. It has developed a lot from its original definition and is a better version of itself currently. One can see the layering and edgy cuts throughout the hair to observe that it has a beautiful shape even through the unevenness it produces.
The mullet was perceived to be a straight hair thing back in the olden days. Many celebrities and internet stars like Bretman Rock have got a mullet over the pandemic that suits curls so beautifully. It creates a composed look, preferably pinned on the sides for perfection. It has a modern style attached that is so different from before’ one cannot resist!
The Ariana Grande:
Ariana Grande has had her classic hairstyle attached to her from time immemorial. The slick high ponytail is evergreen and surely every girl’s thing. Melbourne has made it possible for every person to get the best quality hair products and accessories for every hairstyle. Hair extensions in Melbourne are so silky and perfectly made to suit all hair types, whether curly or straight.
Select the best extensions and make sure to make them voluminous. Slick back a high ponytail combined with perfect extensions and roll a sectioned piece of hair over the hairband. Make sure to cover it thoroughly to perfect the hairstyle.
Enhanced Curls:
Every curly-haired person knows the struggle of combing their hair and dealing with the frizz later on. Many people have observed that curls should not be brushed since they get damaged, and preservation is possible through alternative techniques. Use curling creams to apply when the hair is damp and enhance the curls. A hair gel helps the hair shine.
After this process, use a diffuser and scrunch the hair inwards for the perfect curls. Shorter curls put into a bun, and curly bangs placed on the forehead are the best look. Lengthier and less curly hair could use similar treatment with lesser products to reduce damage. There are no-heat alternatives available for curling that makes the process healthier.
Make sure to decide between several options before choosing the right one. New trends call for changes. Do not be afraid to actually experiment and choose modern styles that can jazz up the look or classic hairstyles for comfort and aesthetics.