After you’ve put your hard-earned cash and effort into creating a website that converts visitors into sales, it can be extremely frustrating when you’re not being found in the search rankings. The good news is that there are many things you can do to improve your results and that’s precisely what we look at here.
Keep reading for 5 tips that can improve things significantly for you. Of course, there’s much more involved than we explain here, but these morsels of advice will stand you in good stead.
1 – Make Sure You’ve Got Web Analytics Set Up
Once you’ve defined your precise SEO goals, it’s important that you have something in place to track your progress. Whatever tool you use, be it from Google or otherwise, you’ll typically get great insight into what your site visitors are doing when they arrive and how it is that they navigate away from you.
Even before a single person has been sent to your landing page or main site, you really need to have this in place or you’re operating in the dark. Whether you choose to hire an SEO Agency to help you with your website will come down to your individual circumstances and budget, however, it may be worth working with one for a few months to get the website on the right track.
2 – Remove Elements that Are Slowing You Down
Another crucial factor when talking about SEO is the speed at which your site loads, as there’s nothing more likely to dissuade someone from buying from you than a site that takes forever to load properly.
According to the stats, just one extra second in delay when loading a page can result in a drop in conversion of a huge 7% – so it’s obviously important. What’s more, people tend to assume a site is untrustworthy if it’s slow.
3 – Make Sure You Link to Other Relevant Websites
The next important part of search engine marketing SEO is the need to link to other authority websites in any blogs you create. Link-building is a crucial stage in any SEO campaign and despite the potential of your visitors being taken away from your site, it does wonders for your site’s authority – if you’re linking to a site with good industry authority, that is.
It usually requires some give and take from those you reach out to and if you’ve already linked to them multiple times in your blogs, you can perhaps show them to illustrate your willingness to enjoy a reciprocal link-building arrangement.
4 – Create Content for People First
When creating content and blogs, it’s easy to get bogged down by the technical elements of SEO, rather than writing interesting things for people to read. Captivating content should be your first priority with SEO being a close second. Keywords are needed to drive traffic, but not if it comes at the expense of content readability.
So, make sure you write content that encourages people to buy from you, as search spiders might help rank you, but will never actually buy anything from you.
5 – Use Social Signals to Build Momentum
Another element that feeds into your SEO performance are social signals, as they can have a bearing on where you rank. Studies have shown that tweets and social shares can have a big impact, which further reinforces the need to create content that people actually want to read.
So, remember to add visible buttons to encourage people to share your content, as it’s a free resource that can push you even further up the rankings.
There’s a Lot that Goes Into Ranking Well
The truth is that SEO takes time, effort and know-how and by using the tips shown above, we hope that it helps you to get your site moving in the right direction.
The competitors that you see at the top haven’t gotten there by accident, as they’ve likely got a pro to help them. Google changes its search algorithm regularly too, so the goalposts are rarely fixed in place for too long – which is why a professional eye is often needed.
Don’t forget that it’s a long game, so you’re not going to get there overnight. Stay faithful to the principles shown here and you won’t go too far wrong.