Invisalign is the dentist’s recommended solution to straighten teeth that may be misaligned. It entails typically wearing your teeth aligners intending to make your teeth arrangement straight. Having misaligned teeth can pose many challenges to you, such as low self-esteem and shying away while smiling. Below are some of the tips you can use to take care of your Invisalign aligners.
Remove Aligners While Eating
This is quite obvious but very important to your aligners. It is the first precaution you should take to maintain your aligners. Before eating any meal nor drinking, make sure that you remove your aligners. Otherwise, food particles may be stuck in between the aligners forcing you to buy new ones.
Clean Your Teeth and Aligners Separately
Do not brush your teeth while your aligners are on; this may destroy your aligners. It is effortless to brush your teeth while you are not wearing your aligners. You must pay close attention to how you clean and maintain your aligners.
Well-maintained aligners will give you long-term servicing, and this saves your Invisalign cost. Keeping your aligners in lousy shape could force you to buy new ones, which is costly and time-consuming too.
Brush Your Teeth Daily
To make good use of your aligners, ensure that you are brushing your teeth daily. Cleaning your teeth removes any particles that may have stuck in between your teeth and, at the same time, eliminates any plaque. Remember, the aligners are supposed to help align your teeth and prevent any spread of dental problems. Thus, cleaning your teeth will go a long way in helping keep your teeth strong.
Notice that the bacteria and plaque in your mouth can attach themselves to your aligners, making it very difficult to fight dental infections and diseases. To keep your teeth clean, make sure you have good toothpaste and toothbrush. Get the best toothbrushes from Electric Toothbrush manufacturers.
Clean Your Aligners Daily
Remember, every day you can come into contact with bacteria that may cause cavities and gingivitis. Some of these bacteria may cling to your aligners, which explains why your aligners should always be clean.
You can use a separate toothbrush and dental floss to clean your aligners to ensure that the aligner is not contaminated with any harmful bacteria.
Store Properly
It would be best to keep them properly when you are not wearing your aligners. But remember, you are required to wear the aligners for approximately 20 hours to get the best results. Thus whenever they are not on, you need to make sure they are safely stored. Additionally, before storing them, you can soak them for a few minutes to remove any foul odor before you use them next.
Replace Aligners as Per Your Dentists Recommendation
Your dentists will calculate how long you should be wearing the aligners, depending on the state of your teeth. Once the dentists have determined the period, you may be required to be changing aligners on a weekly or semi-monthly basis to make the treatment effective.
Thus you will have to obey the dentist’s instruction and replace the aligners after the stipulated time. Acquiring new aligners at Invisalign will significantly reduce the treatment charges.
Go For Check-Ups
Many people become reluctant once they begin to notice improvements in their dental hygiene. As such, they start skipping appointments with their dentists, which could jeopardize their dental health. To recover fully, you must ensure that you are not missing any appointments since you know what the dentist has to say. You may incur insignificant Invisalign costs during the checkups, which are worth your investment in the treatment.
The dentists take a closer look at your teeth during these appointments and inform you whether you are improving or not. Additionally, the dentists may share insight on how you should wear your aligners, clean, remove, and store them.
Remove While Drinking Beverages
Most people do not understand the danger that most beverages pose to their oral health. Drinks contain acidic, sugar, and salt elements that alter the pH concentration of your mouth when mixed with your saliva. This creates a conducive environment in your mouth that allows bacteria that cause cavities and gum problems and affect your teeth.
Every time you take any beverage, remove the aligners to ensure that no particles are left behind after drinking the beverage. It is also advisable to rinse your mouth with some water immediately after taking the drink to wash any sugars and acids down to prevent any complications.
Have Back-Up Aligners
This tip comes in last but is equally important, especially to teenagers and children. If you know your kid loves playing and jumping around, always ensures that they have another pair of aligner in their bag pack. This comes in very handy, especially when they lose the aligners while playing with their friends. You do not want to lose all the effort and time that you had to spend.
The points shared above are convenient, and you can apply them daily to ensure that your aligners are in good shape. Keeping your aligners clean and well kept goes a long way in ensuring that your dental treatment occurs speedily and gives you a brighter and straighter smile over time.