Zits, pimples, spots…We all know them, we all hate them and we all would like to know how to get rid of them, BUT is it just acne? It might not be, and that’s what we’re going to investigate, right now!
What’s the difference between Acne and Rosacea?
Acne and Rosacea have some things in common, they both cause redness, bumps, and pustules on the face. Where they differ is in the details.
Acne is the name given to the spots and pimples that occur on the face. Acne can occur in any part of your body, but usually starts on your face. Rosacea is a skin condition that causes redness below the surface of the skin on certain areas of your face, mainly around your nose and cheeks.
What Is Acne Rosacea?
So, what is acne rosacea? Well, it’s the discovery of a skin problem that can be difficult to diagnose and has a wide range of symptoms. It can appear in any type of skin, but it affects the face, neck, chest, and back areas. Acne rosacea is not contagious or caused by bad hygiene habits–it is just a chronic condition that requires some self-care solutions to improve its appearance.
Acne rosacea is a skin condition that affects the face, primarily the nose, chin and forehead. It is characterized by redness, pimples, bumps, swelling of skin tissue and painful skin lesions. It may last weeks or years. Rosacea usually flares up following sun exposure or during periods of high stress, alcohol use or hot weather.
How Do I Know If I Have Acne Rosacea?
It’ll be next to impossible for you to provide an accurate self-diagnosis using https://www.webmd.com, or anything similar, although, you may come very close. The suspicion of having it will usually point you in the right direction; however, it is always best to consult a professional who deals with the treatment of acne rosacea. Not only will they be able to accurately diagnose your condition (because you may not actually have it, or it may be something else entirely), but they will also be able to guide you in the proper methods of treatment. Furthermore, being able to design a bespoke acne rosacea treatment cream, blended specifically for your exact needs, they will often outperform anything else you try.
I Now Know That I Have Acne Rosacea. What Can I Do About it?
The first step to fighting acne rosacea is recognizing the signs commonly associated with it. Acne rosacea can have some similarities with other types of acne, although typically it features redness and swelling of the face, cheeks, forehead, chin, and neck.
One of the best things to do if you are suffering from acne rosacea is to find out what triggers it for you. Once you know what triggers your acne rosacea, you will be able to monitor them and prevent flare-ups.
What triggers rosacea? There is a range of potential triggers, from hormones to fragrances to dairy products. The main thing that triggers rosacea is a sensitivity in the skin that results in skin flushing and inflammation.
Acne rosacea is a more severe form of acne that is often more difficult to manage. Acne rosacea can be caused by the following foods and lifestyle habits: alcohol, chocolate, dairy products, fried foods, processed meats, red wine, sugar, and spicy foods. Let’s cover the 4 main culprits and talk about what we think is the best treatment for rosacea, or acne rosacea:
Alcohol can make rosacea worse, which is why it’s recommended to avoid drinking alcohol if you have rosacea. If you’d like to use a facial scrub with alcohol in it, then start with a mild one that has a little alcohol in it. You can also use a cold compress on your face every night before going to bed.
A high histamine diet can trigger rosacea flares. That’s why it is important for rosacea sufferers to avoid certain foods and beverages that are known to be high in histamine–like chocolate. Chocolate triggers an inflammatory response in the body’s immune system, leading to redness and inflammation of the small blood vessels that supply blood to the skin surface.
Spicy Foods
One of the most surprising ways to fight acne rosacea is by giving up spicy food. It might seem counterintuitive, but this may be one of the best treatments for your acne rosacea based on scientific evidence.
Foods that have a higher content of capsaicin have been known to cause your skin to react and display symptoms such as redness, irritation, or inflammation.
Sun Exposure
Sun exposure is a key exacerbator of many cases of acne rosacea. In general, the best way to combat acne rosacea is to wear sunscreen and stay in the shade when possible.
The most important thing you can do to fight acne rosacea is to limit your exposure to the sun. Sunscreen and sun blocking sunglasses are essential when it comes to fighting the signs and symptoms of rosacea.
Acne rosacea should be approached with a holistic approach that involves adequate hydration, topical treatments, stress management, and regular exercise.
The Best Skin Care Treatment Solution
Prescription Skincare Treatment Providers are ultimately the best course of action for any kind of condition, especially when it comes to your skin, is to consult a doctor and get a diagnosis. Now, with the current situation being as it is (COVID-19), and the restrictions many of us must endure, going to a doctor can be challenging, we know. However, this has given the online prescription treatment providers a chance to shine.
Not only are there qualified doctors for you to consult on hand, at the tip of your fingers, but the level of aftercare is something that you’ll need – it’s personalized, and that’s what will make the difference.
At the end of the day, there are a few things you should do to make sure your skin is healthy. These steps include keeping an eye out for the signs of rosacea or acne rosacea, not self-medicating with over-the-counter treatments, and avoiding any products that may worsen your symptoms. To help manage this condition, everyone should find a dermatologist, or a doctor, who has experience in acne rosacea.