If the pandemic has taught us one thing, it is the uncertainty of life. It has, however, also taught us about the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and strengthening our immune system. In the face of the pandemic, people have taken a serious setback with forced lockdowns and social isolations for safety and health measurements.
When it comes to health, many people quit smoking in an attempt to improve the condition of their lungs and immune system. According to a survey conducted by Ash (Action of Smoking and Health), more than 40% of people who quit smoking in the second quarter of 2020 were directly connected with the pandemic.
According to healthcare service providers and the world Governments, smokers are at a higher risk of contracting severe Covid-19. Resultantly, many people in the UK gave up on smoking. And many of them related the quitting of smoking as a direct response to the pandemic. Despite the fact that millions of smokers might have succeeded in going cold turkey, many millions more are still smoking without taking the grave health consequences into account.
What are the potential risks for smokers?
Many smokers have admitted that due to the stress of the pandemic and the uncertain state of the world. They are finding it increasingly difficult to quit smoking, despite that they realize that they are at a greater risk of getting inflicted by the pandemic and with dire consequences.
Numerous research suggests that the percentage of smokers to get affected by the classic Covid-19 symptoms is 14% greater with respect to shortness of breath, cough, and fever. Subsequently, smokers who have been tested positive for the virus are at a greater risk of getting hospitalized than their non-smoking counterparts. Additionally, smokers affected by the virus are more than twice as likely to develop more serious life-threatening symptoms.
It is important to note here that smoking in itself is deadly and health-damaging. Hence, there is a greater risk for the smoking population to be exposed to a greater risk for developing viral respiratory infections, which leaves us with the question of how people should quit smoking and how to start vaping.
How to Quit Smoking
You might have heard about it before – you can find a better alternative to smoking in the shape of vaping. But firstly, you will need to understand your reason. No matter what kind of life changes you are looking for, it might be other aspects than smoking, such as eating healthy and working out more. You need a solid reason which must be powerful enough to keep you motivated every day!
The reason varies from one person to another, such as protecting your family or sticking around longer for your kids. Or, maybe your loved one passed away from lung cancer or Covid-19, and, knowing the pain of losing your loved ones, you want to improve your health and quality of life. You could also want to look and feel younger – whatever reason you choose, make sure that it is a powerful, solid, and strong reason which keeps you going through the difficult ordeal of quitting smoking and getting rid of a dangerous addiction.
Switching From Smoking to Vaping – What to Expect
There is endless debate about the numerous benefits people enjoy when they take the final plunge and switch to vaping while bidding farewell to smoke. If you are thinking about something similar about switching your bad habits and making conscious, healthy lifestyle choices for your mind and body, you can expect the following to happen. Remember that each of the cigarettes that you skip is doing you loads of good and no harm.
Eight Hours – in the first eight hours of dumping cigarettes, your blood will release toxic carbon monoxide, and your body starts to improve. You might be already vaping, but your oxygen level will start returning to normal.
Five Days – With more water consumption, you will feel better, while vaping won’t cause any damage.
One Week – you will notice a boost in your smelling and tasting sense. You will start to enjoy your food more than before.
Twelve Weeks – Your lungs will start to clean themselves and restore much of their capability that was damaged by smoking tobacco.
Three months – you will start noticing an enormous difference in the functioning of your lungs—no more shortness of breath.
Twelve months – while you were smoking tobacco, your heart was at great risk. Now, after 12 months of going tobacco-free and vaping, the potential risks of catching heart disease have halved.
One Year – not only will you have saved on loads of money that you spent on cigarettes, but you will also dramatically curb the risk of lung diseases, strokes, and heart health risks.