For men over the age of 35, monitoring testosterone levels is an important part of staying healthy. However, traditional methods like visiting your doctor can be time consuming and expensive. That’s why more and more people are turning to at-home testosterone testing as an alternative. One such healthcare provider is
What is Testosterone?
Testosterone is a hormone found in men that helps control muscle growth, fat distribution, sex drive, and red blood cell production. As men age, their natural production of testosterone declines—this can lead to symptoms such as decreased energy levels, increased body fat, reduced libido, erectile dysfunction, and more. That’s why it’s important for men over 40 to keep an eye on their testosterone levels.
How Home Testosterone Testing Works
Test testosterone at home are available online or in drug stores. Most kits require that you collect your saliva or blood sample in the comfort of your own home and then send it off to a lab for testing. The lab will process the sample and provide an analysis of your testosterone levels which will then be sent back to you via email or regular mail.
Why Test at Home?
At-home testosterone tests offer several advantages over traditional lab tests. For starters, they’re much more convenient; instead of having to visit a lab or doctor’s office and wait for results (which can take days), at-home tests provide results within minutes. Additionally, they’re often less expensive than lab tests; while lab tests can cost up to $150 or more depending on your insurance coverage, at-home tests typically cost around $50-$100 out-of-pocket. Lastly, they provide peace of mind; by being able to test yourself from home without any hassle or inconvenience, you can easily keep track of your testosterone levels with minimal effort.
How Do At-Home Tests Work?
At-home testosterone tests are simple and straightforward—all you need is a saliva sample collected from inside your cheek which will then be sent off for laboratory analysis (most companies include a pre-paid envelope). There are also finger prick options available that allow you to collect blood from the tip of your finger which will then be analyzed in the same way as saliva samples. Within days or weeks (depending on which type of test you use), you’ll receive an email with detailed results that explain exactly where your testosterone levels fall on the normal range scale.
Let’s look at the benefits of testing testosterone levels at home.
Convenience and Cost Savings
The biggest advantage to at-home testing is that it’s incredibly convenient. You don’t have to take time off from work or deal with the hassle of scheduling an appointment with your doctor. All you need to do is order a kit online, follow the instructions for how to collect your sample, and mail it back for analysis. Plus, it’s cost effective – you can typically find kits for around $30-40 compared to hundreds (or even thousands) of dollars for a lab test from your doctor.
Privacy and Anonymity
Another benefit is that you have complete privacy when doing an at-home testosterone test. You don’t have to worry about anyone else seeing your results or having them on file in some medical database somewhere – everything stays between you and the company providing the kit. This can be especially important if you are reluctant to discuss personal matters with anyone outside of your family or close friends, or if you simply prefer not having any type of record kept by anyone other than yourself.
Accurate Results
Finally, while there may be some concerns about accuracy when it comes to tests done outside a laboratory setting, modern kits use advanced technologies that ensure accurate results without sacrificing convenience or privacy. Each kit comes with detailed instructions on how to collect a sample correctly so that any potential inaccuracies due to improper collection are minimized, plus most companies will retest samples if there are any discrepancies in the initial results provided by their labs.
We have a wide range of tests to cover men’s health, where you can pick your test, take your test, and get GP-reviewed Results personalised recommendations within 48 hours. Order now to become a healthier you.
Testosterone testing can be an important part of maintaining good health as men get older – but traditional methods can be costly and inconvenient. At-home testosterone tests offer many advantages over other options, including cost savings, privacy & anonymity, and accurate results without sacrificing convenience or reliability. If you think this might be a good option for you, investigate ordering a kit today! By following all instructions carefully when collecting your sample and making sure that everything gets mailed off promptly, you’ll soon have peace of mind about your own testosterone levels – without ever leaving home!