Chiropractic treatment
A Chiropractic treatment for Post concussion Syndrome is one of the most popular choices for many athletes that sustain concussions. It can also be used by many non-athletes who sustain such injuries. This type of treatment is often a short term solution and will relieve the pain that is associated with such an injury, but it does not address any long term issues that are behind the problem. That is why some people may choose to take a year off from active participation in sport while waiting for the injuries to heal, but this should not be done lightly.
As with most problems your body has to cope with after an injury, there are various symptoms that your body will deal with. You will most likely experience dizziness, nausea, blurred vision, muscle weakness, headaches and other problems. The severity of the symptoms that you are experiencing will depend on the force and type of impact that caused the damage. If you received a blow to the head while playing contact sports you may never feel any pain or discomfort, but the effects could be quite serious. Your body will need time to repair itself, and there will be limited mobility for a period of time.
Treatment Process
The treatment plan that your Physiotherapist at Healthbound will develop for you will be dependent upon the severity of your injuries, the impact, and any other factors that have been identified. If there is a history of concussions in your family it may be in your best interest to consider a combined treatment program of physiotherapy, and possibly additional counselling. With proper assessment and prompt treatment your neurologist and physiotherapist can work closely together to design the most effective treatment plan for you. Your physiotherapist will be able to determine the best physiotherapy program for your needs and the results that you will achieve through a course of treatment.
If you have received a blow to the head that is not the cause of your current injury, or you were playing a contact sport at an age where you were not susceptible to hits to the head, you will benefit from a combination of physiotherapy and a course of treatment including counselling. The first step in your treatment plan will be to determine if the injury is not a fracture, or if you are suffering from CTP (concussion syndrome). You will then be given a treatment program to achieve your physiotherapy goals. Depending on the severity of your injury, you will require different amounts of time to complete your treatment.
Some people choose to use physical therapy first, and others prefer to work on their rehabilitation program later. Whichever method you choose you must be sure to start slowly and safely. Rest is critical to the healing process, and you should avoid any strenuous activity for about a week after you have had surgery. Start with light exercises to strengthen and improve your range of motion and strength. A good physiotherapist will tailor a suitable rehabilitation program for you, depending on your injuries and desired outcome.
Benefits to Consider
A good rehabilitation program will increase your physical fitness through targeted exercises, balance and coordination training and strength training. It will also improve your motor endurance and overall stamina. This combination of physiotherapy and rehabilitation will help you return to full functioning and will reduce your pain and swelling substantially. After your treatment has finished, your physiotherapist will give you a certificate indicating that you have completed your program. This certificate can then be forwarded to your medical practitioner or other relevant healthcare professionals.
A further consideration in your post concussion rehabilitation program is to undertake regular exercise. This will provide you with a good chance of short and long term recovery, as well as a reduced risk of repeated head injuries. Aerobic exercise is especially important following a head injury, as it will improve blood flow and circulation to your head. This is important as blood carries oxygen and nutrients to all the areas of the brain and spinal cord, where they are needed for brain cell repair and energy production. This can reduce the chances of you suffering from another head injury.
As well as physiotherapy, you may want to consider using an anti-inflammatory drug to relieve the pain and inflammation of your injury. One of these drugs is ibuprofen, which can be bought over the counter. Another is naproxen, which needs to be prescribed by a qualified physician. The effects of these drugs on you will depend on your medical history and your tolerance to pain. You should never start a course of treatment for post concussion syndrome without consulting your doctor. Do not start any type of medication or treatment without first consulting your GP.