When you are dealing with lice, then you have to keep some things in mind. The lice can spread but remember that they don’t carry any disease. There are times when all you need to do to remove the lice is to use the comb. But nowadays, there are many home remedies and natural ways to remove the lies from your Child’s hair. So, there is some natural lice treatment you should use.
Suffocate The Lice:
First, you have to soak the head of your Child in olive and coconut oil. Then you have to cover with a shower cap for at least 2 hours. It is mostly preferable overnight. When you are ready, then remove the shower cap and separate the hair into small sections. Then you have to rinse the hair well with the shampoo.
It is recommended to repeat the process overnight until you see no more lice or nits. Remember that oil can help suffocate the lice; they may not necessarily kill them.
Get Rid of Nits:
Just after the oil treatment, you have to soak the hair of your Child in distilled vinegar. While the vinegar does not help suffocate the adult lice, it prevents the nits from latching onto the hair strands. Combine with useful combing, using the fine metal comb. It is a simple method for removing the nits.
Treat Lice with Oils:
The oil is effective against lice. You can also try the oil when you are combing the hair of your Child to remove lice. Remember that essential oil never ingests. But some are toxic. So, in this way, before you use any essential oil, always dilute them with a carrier oil and put a small drop of the diluted mixture on your Child’s hands. If there is no reaction, then essential oil should be safe to use.
Though some kids have allergic reactions to these oils, usually tea tree oil, you have to move on to the next oil if your Child is allergic to one. You have to mix 2 ounces of olive with 15 to 20 drops of the essential oil. Apply this mixture to the scalp of your hair using the cotton balls. You have to leave it on the scalp and hair overnight for at least 12 hours.
You can also use 15 to 20 drops of essential oil in the 4 ounces of rubbing alcohol. Then you have to place the mixture in a spray bottle and saturate the hair with it. Then you have to leave it on for at least 12 hours. Once the lice are eliminated, then use the alcohol spray as a preventive treatment. One thing to remember is that combing out hair is essential to remove the lice and their eggs.
Deter Lice from Coming Back:
Petroleum jelly is considered the good and the natural option for deterring lice. The thick texture of the petroleum jelly stops roaming lice on their tracks and keeps them away from scalp and hair.
The simple method to use this is to apply the thin layer of petroleum jelly on your Child’s scalp and leave it until the next wash. If you find this remedy too much greasy, then you can also try a quick blend of essential oils by mixing tea tree oil, lavender, eucalyptus, or red thyme oil with a carrier oil and apply that to your Child’s scalp daily.
Clean, Clean, Clean:
While according to the research, the head lice can’t survive for that long outside their human host. But you don’t want to risk the lice returning to your Child’s head or latching on to someone else. So, in this way, you have to make sure to or wash all the things that have been in close contact with the person who has lice. If the items cannot be washed, you have to place them into an air-tight plastic bag and leave for 2 weeks.